Joining the board at

by Peter Rojas

rhizome.jpgAnd I also have a tiny bit of news of my own to report: I've joined the board of trustees of, a non-profit which has been promoting digital art for over ten years now and is affiliated with the New Museum of Contemporary Art (which also happens to have a brand new building going up just a few blocks away from where I live). I've been a fan of the site for years and am looking forward to helping them figure out what role a digital arts organization plays in a world where practically everyone's become a cultural producer.

Judith leaves WIN

by Peter Rojas

Can't believe that it's actually happening, but Judith Meskill is leaving WIN. She's one of the few people actually predates me at the company, and it's truly hard to conceive of this place without her holding down the fort and watching our back. Judith went way beyond what you could ever expect from someone. She put her heart and soul into making WIN great, and just generally set the tone for the entire organization (yes, even more than Jason did!), and I'm excited to find out what she does next!

Ten years

by Peter Rojas

Forget all those April Fools Day hoaxes that are going around; the real news is that Scripting News reached the ten year mark today. Big ups to Dave for both pioneering the genre and toughing it out for a decade, blogging can be something of a contact sport. I'm just about three-and-a-half years from the ten-year-mark myself -- though unlike Dave I've jumped around a bit more and have long since abandoned my original blog to the mists of time.

Salman and me

by Peter Rojas

So I know why I was in Orlando earlier this week -- to geek out on cellphones at CTIA -- but what I can't figure out is why Salman Rushdie was down there. I spotted him sitting in first class while boarding my flight back to NYC last night (he was on his cellie talking about Steven Pinker) and I'm dying to know what could have possibly brought him down to Florida.